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maitreya prophecy

Then, the teacher Maitreya, the highest of humans, looking down. (23), At that time, this lord of the land, who is called akha, will have four great treasures each with a billion jewels. The narrative however does participate in the glorification of the Buddha that had become common-place by the early days of the Great Vehicle. One major (the most populous) group within Hinduism is the worship of the God Vishnu and His Avatars. Such a king would be called a Chakravartin, or a turner of wheels, referring the kings chariot wheels having turned in circumscribing his kingdom. 65AMV (13) gives B as the preferred reading, though Majumder says the Tibetan agrees with A, which reads: Serpent demons (pannaga) will bathe him with streams of warm and cool water. Blavatsky, Helena Roerich, Alice Bailey, and most recently Benjamin Creme, Maitreya the World Teacher is also known as the Christ (the word is a term used to designate the head of the Spiritual Hierarchy for our planet), th. Some of the relevant ones are bright appearance, clearness, brightness, lamp, flame, torch and sign, mark, flag, banner (MW 309.1). Trees will grow that produce beautiful cloth of various colors. Any feedback would be appreciated. the S.C.O. The prophecy of the arrival of Maitreya references a time when the Dharma will have been forgotten on Jambudvipa. Patajali and the Beginnings of Dharmastra: An Alternative Social History of Early Dharmastra Production. In Aux Abords de La Clairire: tudes Indiennes et Compares En lHonneur de Charles Malamoud, by Silvia DIntino and Caterina Guenzi, Vol. (AMV 12 n. 2). A Rapid Sanskrit Method. 4Winternitz, History of Indian Literature, p. 277. Legends seems the best choice (for now). Possessing the seven [types of] treasures [of a wheel-turning ruler], That ruler of men will govern the landwhich will extend without interruption to the limitless oceans, At that time, this lord of the land, who is called akha, will have four great treasures each with a billion jewels. Conze simply translates this as Some time ago (Conze, Buddhist Scriptures, 238). 114 (AMV 21); (LH 987.2; NT 966.3). 122A lay Buddhist rite of fasting on certain days of the month. Harmondsworth, Middlesex, Baltimore: Penguin Books, 1959. 168 (AMV 30). Buddha Maitreya, the reincarnation of Jesus the Christ offers online OM Meditations accompanied by a short dharma teaching. See AMV 17 n.2 and 19 n.4 and here note 86. Sponberg, Alan, Helen Hardacre, and Princeton University. Prior to translating this text, I had reviewed my favorite primer, Harts A Rapid Sanskrit Method and created an online reference site based on it.15 Translating the Prophecy of Maitreya was the first full translation I undertook. 3:16 PREVIEW Rising New Nation. will take no steps to prevent his sons renunciation. Lvi has as a divinity (comme une divinit). Edward Conze has also translated select portions of this text (Conze, Buddhist Scriptures, 238-242). The first 24 verses are supplied by the Tibetan, from which Majumder reconstructs the Sanskrit. 173 (AMV 30), (LH 991.3). Gilgit Manuscripts. When Indra bathes in this river, the 1,000 vaginas turn into eyes. To a vast audience that stretches for miles, donating to monasteries, worshiping at Stupas, and, These words are put in the mouth of Maitreya, whereas the Four Noble Truths are presented, Buddhist community and the future audience of Maitreya, It is a story written primarily for lay Buddhist practitioners saying to them. 5. It refers to the tree under which kyamuni Buddha (Siddhrtha Gautama) gained enlightenment. . Later it is revealed to us that Jin Mori is the true god of prophecy. Sudhana is the name of the protagonist in the Array of Stalks Stra (, , c. 200 to 300 CE) that is found within the Garland of Buddhas Stra (, ). (Of course, there are some exceptions like Tathgata, whose translation One-Gone-Thus is too cumbersome to be practical in English, In notes and elsewhere, I generally use the languages native script (Tibetan or Devangari) rather than transliteration. Tibetan and Edition A have Having compassion for all beings (, , AMV 29 n.1, LH 990.4, NT 969.2). 119This verse, with a slightly different word order, comes after verse 73 in edition A and the Tibetan (AMV 22 n. 3, LH 987.6-987.7, NT 966.7-967.1). And having sat down under those [branches] of that [tree], Maitreya, the highest of people, the leader. nanda, in the past, when the bodhisattva mahsattva Maitreya was engaged in the bodhisattva practices, he would drape his upper robes over one shoulder, bend his right knee to the ground, and join his palms together, three times a day and three times a night. Version B has will go forth in renunciation and is the reading preferred by Prof. Majumder (AMV 19). Life of the Buddha. It was Buddha himself gave words of prophecy to Maitreya Bodhisattva for his destiny in Gridhrakut around Rajgir. I undertook it in order to revive my limited knowledge of Sanskrit which had languished for many years. AMV rya Maitreya-Vykaranam, The Prophecy of the Superior Maitreya, ed. Sitting at the foot of this tree, Maitreya, the best of bipeds, will reach total, unsurpassable illumination; this is without doubt! (, Lvi (394) also omits it, but Conze (240) has And he will win his enlightenment the very same day (, ) that he has gone forth into homeless life., 19). NT Narthang edition of the Tibetan text of the Prophecy of the Superior Maitreya. Both Lvi (393) and Conze (239) omit it. Shia Islam is the second-largest denomination of Muslims; it gives greater weight to the title Imam than does Sunni Islam. People live longer; the world is vaster, and the Buddha comes from the highest class. MW (1154.1) translates this as going entirely over or beyond. The Tibetan text differ in their translation, though this is possibly a scribal error: (NT 964.5), (LH 985.3-985.4). Buddhist Monks and Monasteries of India. 666. Having done only minimal research, I wonder, a genre of texts that were prevalent in Central Asia around this time. 3See Winternitz, Maurice, History of Indian Literature, Vol. Then, very pleased, the thousand-eyed king of the gods. though in some versions, they are guarded by ngas. Subjects Language TreeSino-TibetanTibeto-BurmanBodicBodish. As the Tulku Buddha Maitreya, He is the Living Buddha re-establishing the Dharma and the Sangha for the entire planet. Majumders edition of the Sanskrit text, pp. 49 (AMV 11), (LH 981.7, NT 961.4). Full references are listed in the Bibliography. Furthermore, I have done it in isolation with. 44 (a.k.a., or ) (AMV 10; LH 981.3; NT 960.7) These are seven treasures that a wheel-turning world ruler must possess: 1. a precious wheel (, ), 2. a precious jewel (, ), 3. a precious queen (, ), 4. a precious minister (, ), 5. a precious elephant (, ), 6. a precious horse (, ), and 7. a precious general (, ). (63), Then, a householder known by the name of Sudhana105 whose being is pure106 [NT 966] will right there go forth [from his home] on account of Maitreyas instruction.107 (64), At this point, the jewel of women [i.e., the main wife] of akha, known by the name Vikh108 along with 84,000 women, will step forward and desire to go forth. It is found in the canonical literature of all Buddhist sects, and is accepted by . Simple analysis reveals the truth: time in the future his tree of enlightenment will be, ). 86In the Sanskrit there appears to be no indication that this is a quote from Maitreya except the use of the pronoun I . place by the early days of the Great Vehicle. Instead of the four signs of suffering and release that inspires Siddhrtha to renounce his home, the future Maitreya is disillusioned by the sundering of the sacrificial post (verses 50-51). However, some have calculated it to be as little as 5 km or 3.11 miles (Richard Thompson, Planetary Diameters in the Surya-Siddhanta in Journal of Scientific Exploration, Vol. (AMV 17 n.2). 4:40 PREVIEW Encircled. They will spread various beautiful flower garlands in his path.143 (89), The people will honor him with parasols, flags, and banners, and the minds of men will be soothed by the pleasant resounding of music.144 (90) [27], And akra (Indra), the thousand-eyed145 king of the gods, the husband of ach,146 bristling with delight, will cup his hands together147 and praise the Conqueror Maitreya,148 (91), I do homage to you, noble blooded one! 6. (29), Now having having died and fallen52 from [the company of] those in Tuita [heaven],53 Maitreya, the best of persons, will securely bridge the transition between lives54 [by entering] into the womb of that woman. (22) [NT 961], That ruler of men will govern the landwhich will extend without interruption to the limitless oceans46in accordance with the [Buddhist] doctrine. 1.2.1 A Page from the Sacred History of the Lord Buddha: The Predestined Maitreya; 1.3 Maitreya's Mission Vol. The Sanskrit word, "Maitreya" (Pali: Metteya) which means, "The Benevolent One," simply refers to the future Buddha. 47The Sanskrit editions begin with this verse. Waiting for Maitreya. He will be a great hero, raised to his station by the force of hundreds of meritorious deeds. Then he translates the equivalent of verse 27. Edition A and the Tibetan leaves this out and instead has accompanied by thousands ( , AMV 20, n. 9; , LH 986.6, NT 965.7-966.1). See Patrick Olivelle, Patajali and the Beginnings of Dharmastra: An Alternative Social History of Early Dharmastra Production, in Aux Abords de La Clairire: tudes Indiennes et Compares En lHonneur de Charles Malamoud, by Silvia DIntino and Caterina Guenzi, vol. 79Conze (240) skips the next five verses until verse 53. Maitreya (Sanskrit), Metteyya (Pli), or Jampa (Tibetan), is a future Buddha of this world in Buddhist eschatology. Rick Branch. The Asiatic Society manuscript of the text was written during the 57th year of Gopladeva of the Pla dynasty of Bengal. By propitiating such a one like the compassionate Maitreya, best of bipeds, in time you will proceed to nirva. Vishnu is as an infinite force. Conze (238) similarly has when one jumps on it, it gives way, and becomes soft like the leaves of the cotton tree. They are interpreting as a continuative, whereas I am interpreting it as one of a pair of opposites: rising up () and sinking low (). Such a king would be called a Chakravartin, or a turner of wheels, referring the kings chariot wheels having turned in circumscribing his kingdom. refers to religious practitioners in India who have renounced the world, practicing chastity, continence, and study the scriptures. According to Nakamura, (Meeting with Maitreya) was composed in the 3rd century A.D. and was translated into Chinese by Kumrajiva (, In dating such texts obscured by the mists of, was probably written somewhere between the end of the 2. knowledge of Sanskrit which had languished for many years. Out of pity for [all] the worlds, the very wise riputra, universal commander of the doctrine, asked the teacher this:16 (1) "Within the earlier and later discourses,17 you have taught about "Maitreya", the future Buddha who will serve as leader of the world.18 (2) . The four great kings in Buddhism are kings of the four directions, each ruling over a different types of beings. one like the compassionate Maitreya, best of bipeds, in time you will proceed to nirva. (12) [7], At that time, the royal capital will be called Ketumati,28 and it will be a place where beings who act virtuously toward [all] creatures29 live.30 (13), It will indeed be 12 yojanas long and 7 yojanas wide.31 [NT 960] It will be a pure and pleasant city, created through virtue. One later version of the curse is for Indra to grow 1,000 vulva all over his body to shame him for his lust. , women will deliver. The Tibetan also uses the verb to touch: (LH 985.2, NT 964.4). Though, these predictions were made more than 5,000 years ago by Lord Krishna, but they appear to be so accurate that you can't deny any of it. When translating, I try to be as faithful as possible to original as far as I understand it. The first is literally coming correctly. Tibetan agrees with the plural subject (LH 988.6-988.7, NT 967.7-968.1). The latter is known, especially in East Asian circles, as The Flower Garland/Ornament Stra, which the Tibetan translate as the Host of Buddhas Stra. MW Monier-Williams, Sanskrit Dictionary. Lvi (393) includes this line in his translation. people flock to the community renouncing the world and becoming monks and nuns, including Maitreyas whole family. However, contextually it is redundant. They are Vairavaa (=Kubera) in the north ruling over the Yakas, Virdaka in the south ruling over the Kumbhas, Dhtarra in the east ruling over the Gandharvas, Virpka in the west ruling over the Ngas. 7:18 PREVIEW Grief. 35, * (AMV 8; LH 980.6; NT 960.4). 96 (AMV 19). 19). One of the earliest mention of Maitreya is a Sanskrit text, the Maitreyavyakarana (The Prophecy of Maitreya), stating that Gods, men and other beings will worship Maitreya and: "will lose their doubts, and the torrents of their cravings will be cut off: free from all misery they will manage to cross the ocean of becoming; and, as a result of Maitreya's teachings, they will . Finally, a word on the translation. Lvi (397) appears to follow the Tibetan, they will have torn the net of desires (ils auront dchir le filet des dsirs). The Penguin Classics, L88. The Tibetan is not any clearer on that account: (LH 987.2-987.3, NT 966.3-966.4). Conze (239) has and considers their implications in the light of the holy mantras. For, having taken up the baby, no more mention is made of Indra. Monier-Williams, Monier, Sir. However, no matter the level of concentration, all three realms are still within the cycle of cyclic existence (. He is a representation of the Message brought through Him. The Tibetan merely transliterates this name, albeit poorly: (LH 986.6; NT 966.1). Maitreya will come from one of the upper castes, but instead of being from the warrior caste, he will be from the priestly caste of Brhmaa, As with Siddhrtha, Maitreyas future mother. Maitreya is depicted in Buddhist art in many ways. However, Lvi does not thoroughly source his argument, which seems primarily based on hypothetical reconstructions of Sanskrit titles from Chinese, and as the Tibetan is ambiguous enough to be read either way, I have chosen the translation that makes more sense contextually, following Yijing and Watanabe. Richmond, Surrey: Curzon Press, 1996. The answer provided here is not much different from the answer provided in the early days of Buddhism: going for refuge, taking the lay vows, practicing the fasting days, and making offerings to the community. It is only upon penetrating the truth of existence (according to the Buddhists) that one is liberated from this cycle, The Sanskrit translates literally as Lord of aid/might, , while the Tibetan translates as Lord of bliss and so forth. 67 (AMV 14). In neither case can I make sense of the continuative. I bow to you, highest of beings!149 O your eminence,150 you who are the pinnacle of men, have compassion on the community! (92), At that point Mra, son of the gods, with his great magical powers, will be there. The Tibetan of this sentence seems to diverge from the Sanskrit in AMV. Literally, voice possessing eight parts of the eight parts () Edgerton (81.2) says, having 8 (unspecified good) qualities, substantially = excellent, fine, supreme. I cannot find any other reference to the eight qualities or parts of the voice. On that road, they will lay out everywhere carpets as soft as cotton. The gods will hold up a white parasol over the head of that [boy]. 18Possibly the earliest reference to Maitreya in the Buddhas teachings can be found in a stra in the Collection of Long Discourses or Dgha Nikya. Moreover, the figure of Indra, another mainstay of Brahmic culture, seems to have played an increasingly prominent role in the story over time. And there is no doubt that having sat down at the foot of that tree, Maitreya, the best of bipeds, will obtain the unsurpassable, complete enlightenment, The Tibetan essentially corresponds to A (LH 985.6-985.7; NT 9, has Its foliage extend for six lengths of the voice. Springfield, VA: Nataraj Books, 2010. His shoulders will be broad, and his chest, full. Sariputra, the great general of the doctrine, most wise and resplendent, from compassion for the world asked the Lord: 'Some time ago you have spoken to us of the future Buddha, who will lead the world at a future . Given the breadth of their knowledge and their agreement, they are most likely correct. 148Version A and Tibetan have Guide of the world (, ) instead of Conqueror (AMV 27 n. 4). Pentecost is a prime example of this Holy Spirit fire. Review of Matsumoto Bunzabur, Shnen-Thieme, Renate. 105 (AMV 20); () (LH 986.6, NT 965.7). and kyamunis main female lay disciple, also called Mgramtar. (15) [8], Moats built by jeweled bricks and arrayed with carpets of red and blue lotuses will be adorned with decorative grasses.34 (16), They will be completely encircled by seven rings of Tla trees35 that are made of four kinds of jewels and are adorned with lattices of tiny bells. The designation of prophecy is given to these works, a Buddha foretells the future enlightenment, one of their disciple-Bodhisattvas. One of the earliest mention of Maitreya is a Sanskrit text, the "Maitreya-vyakarana" ("The Prophecy of Maitreya") stating that gods, men and other beings will worship Maitreya and will lose their doubts, and the torrents of their cravings will be cut off: "Free from all misery, they . Of enlightenment will be a great hero, raised to his station by the early of!, 238 ) Tibetan agrees with the plural subject ( LH 985.2 NT... Indian Literature, p. 277 hold up a white parasol over the head of that [ tree,. Are still within the cycle of cyclic existence ( his great magical powers, will be great. [ boy ] arrival of Maitreya references a time when the Dharma and the Beginnings of Dharmastra: Alternative. World (, ) instead of Conqueror ( AMV 19 ) the Living Buddha re-establishing the and! His shoulders will be a great hero, raised to his station by the early of. Literature, Vol I wonder, a Buddha foretells the future enlightenment, one of their disciple-Bodhisattvas study. 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