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my mom has a shadow on her lung

Why should I be frightened of dying? I really hope it is good news you get, but please let us know either way. Verywell Health uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Being overweight leads to fluid buildup in the lungs. I know she has been really lucky to have been offered surgery at this stage and hopefully the option will still be there after the pet scan. Practical approach to lung ultrasound. I live alone so it is so easy to opt for easy calorific snacks especially as I also have arthritis in my hands so am limited on cooking options. But take comfort in the fact that it very well could be something else. Does anyone have any idea how long we maybe waiting for the operation? It is treated with blood thinners like Coumadin ( warfarin ). Among the options: All of these tests have advantages and limitations. We were hoping for a few more months at least, but now it's clear she maybe has a few weeks. 2015;45(4):268-81. doi:10.1053/j.semnuclmed.2015.03.004. It turned out to be fine. Respiratory rate is the number of times per minute you breathe. If you exhibit any of the signs of lung cancer, your doctor may recommend a chest X-ray. It could have been cancer, or scar tissue, or something else. A shadow on the lung might be a symptom of anything catastrophic, or it could be meaningless in terms of your health. If I hadnt had that operation Im not sure if I would be here now. I am a 47 year old South East Asian male. Hi I was ill in January of this year sent for an xray which showed a shadow I then had a CT scan which showed a tumor the hospital said they were 98% sure it was lung cancer and for 3mths they tried 6 times to get a biopsy but couldn't the PET scan showed it as worse they went to start chemo and radio therapy realised . A lung "shadow" is a description of an abnormal appearance that can be seen on a chest X-ray. I am the caregiver for my Mom. Yale Medicine. She had a CT scan which ruled out cancer. After a person takes a deep breath, some of the air remains trapped in their lungs because there's not enough room for it all to go out. X, I think sometimes we just want a definite answer, I was told its mild fibrosis and not to worry, it is possibly old scarring, I had whooping cough as a child and also lived in a household where my parents smoked and later when I married, my ex husband also was a heavy smoker. She has never smoked. Its hard to eatand sleep and have no one else I can talk to so thanks all for listening. She's going home to die. Live and die on this day. Thank you so much for sharing, has definitely put me at ease. Take lots of care. I always need a goal to work towards. Fluid buildup in the lungs also happens due to poor kidney function. In many cases, multiple nodules exist within one patient. So your loved ones should go on a low-salt diet to minimize fluid retention in the body. 2 clear scans since and hoping for a 3rd in January. Live and die on this day" - The Grey. You are doing the right thing by making sure she has regular checks, it will reassure you. For example, a shadow on the lung film may indicate pneumonia, tuberculosis, cancer, or heart disease. American Cancer Society. I have a cough and this is put down to a large hiatus hernia. Do not copy or redistribute in any form! Take a breath- breathe in and then out. Unfortunately, the only way they could tell was to operate and it turned out to be cancer. I haven't looked up what exactly it is you say they have found, but the fact they call it a nodule, suggests it is small. They removed half of my left lung, I went through 12 weeks of chemo as a precautionary measure, and I am now almost 2 years cancer-free. Consider it the first step toward a diagnosis. 2013;30(2):121-7. doi:10.1055/s-0033-1342952, By Lynne Eldridge, MD Bloomfield, NJ 07003. However, due to work demands and family obligations, it is sometimes impossible for you to attend to all your elderly loved one needs. So if they are removing it that is such a positive sign. This is the worst bit, the testing phase. Having had a colon cancer op myself last June I found myself shaking in the meeting and anxiety took over as it brought everything back for me . she is a smoker and she has been coughing (but has got - Answered by a verified Health Professional . Since that was the only thing seen in either lung, they believe the main tumor was originally there amd moved right across to her upper spine. He is going to check again in a year. I think they will do a biopsy, when they remove the nodule it will be sent for testing. One of the most effective ways is to lower their blood pressure. but never really gave an indication of what it is? My dad has even gotten in on them too! The CT Scan had remained the same after 5 weeks showing that the shadow hadn't decreased or increased. Cancer Survivors Network. A shadow in the lung could be from a pneumonia, an abnormal blood vessel, cancer, infection by a bacteria/fungus/virus or just an artefact. It is not intended to be and should not be interpreted as medical advice or a diagnosis of any health or fitness problem, condition or disease; or a recommendation for a specific test, doctor, care provider, procedure, treatment plan, product, or course of action. On the x-ray they did notice a shadow on her lung. My dad is currently fighting colon cancer so we are going through a lot right now. I am just worried because she is elderly. It doesn't seem to have progressed in that time. Again this was sent for a biopsy and was benign. As such, they may be referred to as lesions, spots, or shadows. I hope and pray that your mother doesn't have cancer. Into the last good fight I'll ever know. my mom has a shadow on her lungvanessa in the heights ethnicity my mom has a shadow on her lung my mom has a shadow on her lung. I know how scared my daughters were when I was going through all the tests to try to find out what was wrong with me (my only symptom was weight-loss). Whenever your loved one breathes, they draw fluid into the lungs instead of clean air, thus resulting in shortness of breath and feeling like drowning. Common Signs and Symptoms of the Condition, Regular exercise helps your loved one prevent fluid buildup in the lungs. Feel free to send a message online. I have googled (I know you shouldn't) but thought I would join this group in the hope that someone may answer. A biopsy may be needed to make a sure diagnosis. The key is to find a suitable exercise that they can do and stick with. My 62 year old mother recently had some pre-surgery tests done before an eye operation last Tuesday and was told that they found a small shadow on the lowest part of one of her lungs on her chest x-ray. , they are more likely to have fluid buildup in the lungs. Seashell54 . But I thank God that my daughters, and my Mom and Dad were there for me all the way through my journey. It's non small celladenocarcinoma stage 2a with N1. Hi Folks, IN my endless pursuit for answers to the million questions that i have, I stumbled upon this forum. Sounds like you are moving forward and they are being prompt with getting things done. Nearly two years ago my mum had a chest X-ray which showed a shadow on her lung. Doru Paul, MD, is triple board-certified in medical oncology, hematology, and internal medicine. To prevent any complications, it is recommended to climb not more than 1,000 to 1,200 feet per day. Her PET scan was 9th October, how long will it take to get the results back? Typically, these nodules are . So try not to worry about it to much. While some abnormalities may be defined structuressuch as a mass, nodule, or tumortheir appearance may not always be so well defined. I have asthma and have had a chronic dry cough since last March. This allows for the detection of recurrent cancer or possible metastasis (spread of cancer) so appropriate treatments can be started immediately. Why would you have nodules on your lungs. Even going to a high altitude may lead to altitude pulmonary edema. She has had 6 kids with 4 different men over her lifetime, and abandoned each and every one of them. We disclaim all responsibility for the professional qualifications and licensing of, and services provided by, any physician or other health providers posting on or otherwise referred to on this Site and/or any Third Party Site. Live and die on this day" - The Grey. She had another CT scan done on Oct 1st and various tests on her breathing etc. My family and I just found out on May 24th that my mom had a lung mass in her right upper lobe. Whether your loved ones have mobility issues or have mild or severe dementia, we can provide you with a team of compassionate caregivers who will ensure that your loved one is always safe and secure. The chest consultant was more concerned with my HH as not much they do for it he gave me Acidex and said put the bed head up, can't do this due to needing to elevate my legs. I am just so scared for her. My mass on my lung had actually been biopsied before the PET and it was the biopsy that told them it was cancer as far as I am aware. . My mom has been experiencing some pretty severe health issues and yesterday, she received confirmation that she has lung cancer and a tumour on a kidney as well. It appears you have not yet Signed Up with our community. The PET scan is the next marker for your mum's treatment . slightly. Healing home remedies for common ailments. A CT is more detailed than a chest X-ray for visualizing the normal structures in the chest. I've been trying to find the right subreddit for this, so sorry if this is not the right place . But I think within a week would be a reasonable expectation. Based on the CT, her physician may prefer to get a biopsy or to repeat a CT scan. What Is a Fine Needle Aspiration (FNA) Biopsy for Lung Cancer? Why Is Lung Cancer Increasing in Never Smokers? A shadow on the lung can be a sign of something serious. I just feel bad that they had to go through what they did. The doctor's said it could just be scar tissue from an infection, several other things, or cancer. Fluid buildup in the lungs is a common problem many people encounter as they enter their golden years. I also completely understand the being alone thing too, I also have no partner or children etc. Keeping a loved ones cholesterol level down is the best way to prevent fluid buildup in the lungs. 2007;75(1):56-63. "There are no perfect people, only perfect intentions" - Robin Hood Prince Of Thieves, I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel. - Maya Angelou, "Once more into the fray. I am so sorry to everyone else on here who are far worse off I apologise profoundly for coming across so upset. As they say, Ya don't know til ya know. I know the best plan at the mo is to have the pet scan and see if there is any spread and then decide on next step whatever they tell us, Hi Seychelles, it may not seem like it but to be offered an operation means there is a possibility of a will either be a lobe removal, lung removal or wedge removal and they should explaieverything to you in detail. Regards, Thank you Paul, I can imagine how you felt, my mother had lung cancer and unfortunately died from it. Negative chest X-rays in primary care patients with lung cancer. Big wheelchair needed my mom is stage 3 lung cancer and cancer in her whole body and she can't walk and the wheelchair that she has is too small and it hurts her. Take care, Judy Reply Share React marthame Jan 26, 2013 6:42 AM No problem at all, I can understand you must be very worried and full of questions. I'm down with acute bronchitis which I get every 2-3 years and which normally lasts 1-2 weeks & then I'm symptom-free. The best way to prevent lung cancer is by never smoking. Overlapping structures or material that is moderately solid, usually appear in shades of gray. Your loved ones blood pressure should be kept under 130/80 or 140/90 or even a little lower as possible. How many chemo sessions did you have after the op and how far apart were they. Researchers continue to study why people who have never smoked develop this deadly form of cancer. If your provider does suspect canceror at least cannot rule it outthey may order a number of tests, including a CT scan, MRI, or PET scan. It is the biopsy that will or won't diagnose cancer. Walking is one of the best options as it is easy on the joints and has very little risk of injury when done consistently. It can also be caused by cancer or other medical conditions. I thought a PET scan can tell if it is cancerous. She's been a pack-a-day smoker for 40 years so they are sending her for a CT scan on the 15th to rule anything The cancer may have spread to other parts of the body through the lymph system or bloodstream. Two chest X-rays (Six weeks apart) and follow up. Flechsig P, Mehndiratta A, Haberkorn U, Kratochwil C, Giesel FL. The dr was suspcious and wanted her to go to a pulmonoligist, but I insisted that she go to a nationally recognized Cancer Center that is minutes from her hometurns out that her black spot on her lung was indeed cancer. It's because of a cough that worried my family I went to the doctor who did anothe X-ray and referred me an respiratory clinic. I am hoping too that as they are operating this means they are hopeful of removing the entire lump. Just think positive as hard as that is to do, I know. A lung "shadow" is a description of an abnormal appearance that can be seen on a chest X-ray. I think its a lobe removal. SHe is obviously very worried about this now. I am her main carer as well. The amount of air that can be held in the lungs is called lung volume. Never disregard the medical advice of your physician or health professional, or delay in seeking such advice, because of something you read on this Site. Otherwise, the nodule could grow and cause problems later on. I did ask at the meeting and the doctor said radiotherapy but that it would cause complications to other organs. Verywell Health's content is for informational and educational purposes only. Use of this online service is subject to the disclaimer and the terms and conditions. The type of treatment for lung cancer will depend on many factors, such as the size, shape, and location of the tumor; how far it has grown; what kind of tissue it consists of (i.e., lung cancer vs. breast cancer); and whether it has returned after previous surgery. Br J Gen Pract. Good luck and bestwishes. Do not use this information to diagnose or treat a health problem or disease without consulting with a qualified healthcare provider. However, a PET scan detects the increased metabolic activity associated with active cell growth, which can also be caused by inflammation or infection. Sorry to hear your mum has been referred for further tests, but it seems they are keeping a close eye and acting on caution. If you know your loved one adds extra salt to their food, try serving prepared foods that are lower in sodium, such as broths and fresh or frozen vegetables, instead of canned goods containing salt. When Might Shoulder Pain Be a Sign of Lung Cancer? I believe it can indicate areas where cancer may have spread to, but not what highlighted areas are caused by. Your email address will not be published. What happens to the lungs during inspiration and expiration? By clicking Accept All Cookies, you agree to the storing of cookies on your device to enhance site navigation, analyze site usage, and assist in our marketing efforts. They did a high resolution CT scan. I believe the PET scan is head and torso. The minimum volume of air that can be expelled after taking a deep breath is called residual volume (RV). The problem when someone has seychelles88 over 4 years ago. But she's had cancer before so understandably we're worried . Live and die on this day. She had another X-ray a few weeks ago which showed the shadow had stayed the same as the first X-ray nearly two years ago. Yes it is. Lung cancer risks for people who don't smoke, PET/MRI and PET/CT in lung lesions and thoracic malignancies, Percutaneous lung biopsy: technique, efficacy, and complications. weight loss can help with any lung condition , wish I could loose weight but I get so far then it stops or rises again. I have never smoked but have erosive Rheumatoid Arthritis and many other health issues. By using this Site you agree to the following, By using this Site you agree to the following, This patient support community is for discussions relating to, The Best IOL for 2022 RXSight Light Adjusted Lens, Will refractive surgery such as LASIK keep me out of glasses all my life. Would COPD show as a shadow the same size for two year? So I have found out that my mum has had an x ray and ct scan and a shadow has been found on her right lung. The wait for the results is horrid, but it shouldn't be long now. I've had many X-Ray's, two CT scans, one was a high resolution one. She has had a nasty cough for almost a year and last July had an x ray and then a CT Scan in August which confirmed the shadow. Nor does any areas it does highlight automatically mean that it is cancer. Your elderly loved one may experience some or all of the following: If your loved ones pulmonary edema is chronic, the symptoms and symptoms are less severe but will occur more often. 2023 Dotdash Media, Inc. All rights reserved, Lynne Eldrige, MD, is a lung cancer physician, patient advocate, and award-winning author of "Avoiding Cancer One Day at a Time.". Shadow on lung. This lump will show as a white patch on your lungs, with the lung itself appearing black. Lung volume is the amount of air that can be held in the lungs at any one time. Shadows on chest x-rays are usually caused by inflammation or infection. Heart failure and heart attack are leading causes of fluid buildup in the lungs. Lung cancer forum requires membership for participation - click to join. A spot on the lungs usually refers to a pulmonary nodule. Hi I was ill in January of this year sent for an xray which showed a shadow I then had a CT scan which showed a tumor the hospital said they were 98% sure it was lung cancer and for 3mths they tried 6 times to get a biopsy but couldn't the PET scan showed it as worse they went to start chemo and radio therapy realised that they had not tested my blood since Feb for infection after 3 lots of very strong antibiotics what they thought was LC disappeared, they then agreed to operate (they had told me it was inoperable) the tumor was removed and was also benign. A visible lump or nodule on a lung cancer patient's chest X-ray may be seen. This is a small, round growth on the lungs that shows up as a white spot on image scans. These conditions often go undetected for months or years unless a family member notices something is wrong. A lung spot on an X-ray is rather frequent and typically signals a benign ailment. Percutaneous lung biopsy: technique, efficacy, and complications. I have since found that a small lump was found on her upper right lobe back in June and it has been monitored. Sometimes these are found during routine examinations or screening tests for other conditions. Ive been helping my mum by giving her calorie controlled meals I cook for myself and my husband. There are many things it could be, so all you can do is wait and see. Or it may have no effect on your health. She has a few weeks. The problem when someone has this condition is its often difficult to treat. The op was with curative intent. 2016;16(2):39-45. doi:10.1093/bjaceaccp/mkv012. To know more about our caregiving services, feel free to contact us at 973-338-0124 or through ourcontact us form. If she doesnt have the op do you have any idea what other treatments she could have. I'm guessing the doctors believe it is as they wouldn't do surgery otherwise. Read our. She has been in the industry for over 10 years and knows all there is to know about it! They came back completely fine. Hello worried daughter, I understand your concern. I too had a chest xray that showed "something". We pride ourselves on providing consistent top-shelf home care services in Bloomfield, New Jersey in an atmosphere of respect, compassion, and understanding for our clients' circumstances. 2023 MH Sub I, LLC dba Internet Brands. Lyn x. hohum 10 years ago. Your loved one should eat a heart-healthy diet, have regular exercise, and reduce stress to keep their body weight at a healthy level. Join the conversation! My mom is a 66 year old woman who has never smoked. So, my mum has cancer. It is called a subpleural lung nodule on her upper right lobe. So speak to us anytime you wish. but everything i google comes back to LUng cancer.. try not to worry . She is 68 years old and they told her she had less than a year (she was also told 1-2 months maybe a year). She is usually healthy. Any help / advice will be appreciated, I feel sick with worry for her.

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my mom has a shadow on her lung