chris carter kara louise

aizawa shouta x daughter reader angst

Stichwort, etwas. The aftermath left some people without friends, families, homes and orphans. Uses She/Her pronouns. Is she okay? Taglist: @whyralltheusernamestaken ! Bakugo Katsuki didnt like this new girl. Your first day at U.A. "Papaaaaaa, it's wayyyy tooo earlyyyyy." Bakugo Katsuki is the best at everything he does. "Because her babysitter was sick and I needed to take her here with me." But Aizawa is suspicious of you, he's sure you're hiding something. "Your babysitter is sick and she didn't wanna be around you because she didn't want you to get sick." Some have families they can trust. Forcing herself to live in a world s Bakugo x Oc This all leads to you roomi You can't choose your quirk, or your future, but you can choose how you want to use your time and skill. How could she not? Aizawa picks you up and you snuggle closer to him. But it would see that no matter how far she runs, her fate will always catch up with her. "What's up?" "A-also erm her hair and eyes were like yours when you use your quirk." The rest of the things they harbored were secrets, but this (Or: following Katsuki and Eijirou's complicated friendship over the story of mha so far!). For her, she'd sacrifice the whole world for his sake and for Dabi, he surprisingly feels the same way. Class 1-A is now faced with the darker, bloody side of hero work, and the revelation that Aizawa-sensei actually has a love life.Aka Aizawa and his husband adopt like 20 kids. Uh excuse me, Aizawa-sensei, who is that?. This was your life; a life of freedom and honor, as much honor as a born and bred pirate could scrape together anyways. A big thank you once again to @onyxiana-is-obsessed for the banner and dividers!! He looks you in the eyes. #myheroacademia All you want is to be a teacher, you love kids, but what happens when you get accepted to be a teacher at UA high? A Cat's Life! And you are, GLASSES FACE! You busted out into a fit of giggles, as you pointed towards the class rep. You wanted your dad. Warnings: non-con, yandere themes, slight bondage/restraints, voyeurism, vaginal fingering, vaginal sex, anal fingering, anal sex, M/M/F, mostly clothed male, naked reader, slight cum swallowing, Eraserhead and Present Mic are in an established relationship in this fic. PRE-PRE-CANON ARC: 1-8PRE-CANON ARC: 9-20EARLY UA ARC: 21-? Through a mission you meet a rough, tired looking Pro who catches your eye.After getting over your shyness you decide to speak to him and you two develop a relationship! Even when asleep, your dreams were taken over by soft smiles and warm zip-up sweaters. She showed up a week late, has the nerve to throw shit right back in his face, and three seconds later is crying over something. "For such a(n) unholy hour, Mic why are you so loud?" However, you were his pride and joy, and there was nothing that could make you anything but the most important person in his life. He kneels down to your height. (Das ist nur eine bersetzung. "Yes, you're gonna hang out with him. Aizawa chuckled darkly, allowing his tone to drop an octave as he took her other arm, "What Mistress wants, she receives". You were never a household name, and "retirement" suited you. "I think she did. Edit: please dont repost this work anywhere. Requests: Open! When she attempts to find assistance to guid her back to the Support Department, she ends up making a awkward first impression on a certain sleepy teacher in the heros course. At least for as long as you can remember, which admittedly is not very long. I got worried and left the lounge to look for him. tldr: aizawa thinks his TA is cute and wants to ruin her life (in a good way), -Let's keep it simple then, you can hear the smile playing on his lips, and Lord, you want to know if those lips are as pretty as they sound, what would you say your most often recurring sin is?, The tip of your tongue swipes over your top lip, but he speaks again; and don't lie. Yet you had to get it off your chest, the dam was threatening to burst at any moment you feared, and youd rather spill the news on your terms rather than through word vomit. He was even more shocked at Bakugou's response. Your father Shouta Aizawa says. You are the daughter of Shota Aizawa aka Eraser Head. If they come back for hot chocolate then hed just make sure he always had a spare cup for whoever needed it. (: A/N: It didnt all fit in the first post so heres the rest! It was loud. And is forced to face off against (Y/N)s familiar to win his heart.Bakugou is a abandoned child who finds his way to (Y/N) and then is raised by (Y/N) making him his familiar, but bakugou has a secret hes been keeping for over 300 years, and when a werewolf comes marching in to swoop (Y/N) off his feet like some sort of price, hes forced to reveal that secret, Aizawa, a lone alpha, has recently been having issues with his inner alpha being drawn to a 18 year old student of his. At first, he was hesitant. A collection of drabbles, easing towards a story. You squirmed in Iida's arms. I draw a portion of the art that will be used in this story. You un-nuzzle your head from his neck and look around. The class kept their excitement and confusion inside, staying at their desks and allowing you to come to them. Yet "' . SO be on the lookout for that. Your father Shouta Aizawa says. You then heard ringing. Tonight your men would be destroying their livers on the finest rum they could get a hold of, reaping the benefits of land after their time on the ship without rest. (Like aizawa's hair whenever he uses his quirk.) She hears arguing, normally she would ignore it, but she recognizes a few of the voices. At least he could say that he tried to have a future. "Yep. tip: hetalia f/f sort:kudos. "HEYY Aizawa, why'd you wake her up so early?" Its understandable he has no time for relationships. Never could another place hold itself so dearly in your heart such as this. When her past comes back to haunt her and her future comes to collect, she's forced to ask herself what it is that she really wants, and how far she's willing to go to get it. Your main focus is to help students control their quirks and to teach those who are will hand on hand combat. Let's do this! And yet, or precisely because of this, you don't give up and persistently pursue your d [Last Name] [Name] has a unconventional quirk, a quirk that raises the dead, but she always dreamed of being a hero and now shes achieved that reality, by being an underground hero, she made a name for herself, the fear inducer. IDK.Horse centaurs are especially wanted in this timeline because they are smarter and more adaptive than normal animals. Never stop dreaming! Dabi | Todoroki Touya/Original Female Character(s), Dabi | Todoroki Touya/Original Character(s), Dabi | Todoroki Touya & Original Female Character(s), Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Original Character(s), Kurono Hari | Chronostasis/Original Female Character(s), Implied/Referenced Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead is a Good Significant Other. You put the blame on All Might. A/n: Damn that was long, but I hope you guys liked this one! Hes going to become a Hero for the people like him. - This fic has HEAVY topics such as suicide, S/A, and anxietyThis is based on my own experience. The screeching increased to Present Mic volumes as Aizawa allowed it, resting a hand on the mans head. The little girl is cute and a small cinnamon. Aizawa says, dismissing the teens. They were triggered when she panicked. One would think that having the word 'prison' on a resume would make the owner a wicked, dangerous character. As if anyone would believe that. All hands hoay me hearties, we be sailin into the docks of Sinehpor. (The gif is lowkey how I imagine they look lmaooo), Pairing: Dad!Shouta Aizawa x Daughter!Reader. The sleepy black haired teacher, getting his daughter as a student is interesting. Ammi is a girl with a "dangerous quirk" who gr *Y/N STORY*You were just a baby when you were taken by the LOV. |Aizawa Shouta x reader| Pathogen, a one of the top female heroes in Japan, is coming to Yuuei! It was shocking that a man like Aizawa would do this sort of thing. It was illegaly and man-made quirk that was given to selected people. Hope you enjoy, the prompt was rejection;-; Masterlist for the works coming out tomorrow! "Um I don't know my papa's name b-but I do know my uncle's." "Doez fwis mean vat I gwet to fee uncle Hizashee?" Deku says. The My Hero Academia one. . War es wirklich unmglich ein Held ohne Quirk zu werden? It couldnt have just been a kind gesture, there had to have more meaning behind it. You reconnect with an old friend and try to make some new ones, all the while avoiding the hell that is your past. Requests were made on tumblr! You're the older sister half sister to Rin and Yukio Okumura. But when others Start things with his daughter.. what does he do? Before we go into work., Lets just say, that was the best nap you ever had, Just cuddled up to the man of your dreams. Don't worry, you'll eventually realize how kinky it sounds. Watching romance movies? In all of the paths that you could have chosen in life, you went with being a detective. And he might also have invited a lot of problems into his life. Too bad Principal Nezu knows who you are. The cheers and happiness was contagious, goodwill spreading all along the ship. And there's this homeless-looking underground hero they keep running into. Al principio pens que era slo otro ms que quera entrar al curso de hroes asegurado por un quirk fuerte y nada ms, no dudara ni un da si ni siquiera era capaz de manejarlo sin daarse, estaban finalizando el segundo semestre y el chico segua en su clase (En realidad los veinte alumnos seguan, y No era eso un milagro?, Hizashi incluso lleg a dudar que fuera l), a pesar de todo avanz y mejor en el control y manejo de su quirk, dispuesto a aprender lo posible.Luego estaba su comportamiento, asustadizo y nervioso, bastante sociable y del tipo que era amable y ayudaba a todos, toda su clase lo amaba y algunos miembros de la facultad, pero a pesar de eso pareca que quera esconderse o desaparecer cada vez que alguien lo llamaba en clase, siempre retorca sus dedos y se vea ansioso, a nadie ms le llamaba la atencin eso.Su relacin con All Might ha sido la comidilla de la facultad desde que comenz el ao, era innegable que tenan una relacin, pero ninguno de ellos aclaraba cul era. Nobody else knew that Kirishima's hair was dyed every two months or he was nothing like the manly men he looked up to. Disclaimer: Some of these works are NSFW, so if you arent interested please scroll past! She may be a pro hero, but she's a novice teacher, so she's here to learn from the pros! Uraraka asks. - He asks in that monotone voice that he always had. I got scared so I started to cry, but then I looked around and I saw like colors. The boy named (Y/N) has always been quite the class clown at least in his class but recently after turning 18 (Y/N) had their second gender revealed to him, and ever since Aizawa cant help but be a little drawn to it. At first the story starts out with a normal, happy life with her father and her mothe the old chapters are embarrassing as shit He has to touch all parts of your body. Its no wonder her insanely powerful quirk was so untamed. Your secret? You're starting your final semester at University when you discover that your Film Criticism professor is a lot more than you were expecting. =========== Something is wrong with Shinosu Hitoshi, and Shouta is determined to get to the bottom of it. However, no matter how much it had meant to you, you were sure it was nothing more than a kind gesture to him. You had finished up a job, and were now without much purpose other than sailing. Hed come see you, youd fuck and maybe do some aftercare and then hed leave. "She's covering her ears. "Hey (y/n) wake up." He walked in the opposite direction, thinking about a time he could meet the candidate Sir Nighteye put forward. Fortunately for her, shes given a second change. They continued their meal in silence. In the midst of all the madness can they find a way to admit their feelings and actually be together? Th. They learn to work together to keep the peace and to ensure that their students get the best of both worlds while dealing with villains, kidnappings, yakuza and much more thrown their way. "As if I'd ever shed a tear over you," you teased. You nod at Kirishima as he went below to help the rest. Some people are destined to do great things. He forces her into the building where she sees Bakugou, Kirishima, Kaminari, Shinsou, Shouto, Midoriya, Aizawa, Yamada, Toshinori, Amajiki, and Natsuo. Or are you overthinking things? Really? Sometimes, all it takes is a single mistake; a single slip-up, for your world to turn upside down. Shouta sighed while the rest of the students laughed, already tired of the whole thing, but you and the rest of the class were having fun and thats all that mattered. Ye be knowin what that means!. Er wird sein eigener Held sein, weil er aus erster Hand gelernt hat, dass Menschen egoistisch sind und er nur sich selbst hat. And you must be like 'well then if he could take care of you whenever your babysitter couldn't, why didn't he take care of her today?' You kept your excitement at bay, knowing that this mission youve taken upon yourself was that of great importance. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. She rocks! Secondly if you are a male, you could change the pronouns and stuff. Aizawa opens it and sees Deku, Uraraka, and Iida. Shouta Aizawa a man who only worked on grading papers all day while watching romance movies all night. He asks. Yearning for freedom. series of BNHA characters having romantic relationship with you! She is overqualified for the job after being raised in a traditional martial arts household. It's true you're a pro hero, you're just not as successful as you hoped you might be and you're having a hard time finding an apartment. my best friend I hope that she will have easier life that she has now! This wasnt supposed to be a thing. You whisper. He woke you up at like 5:30 in the morning. A true man you trusted by your side, trusted with your life. . You were about to drift off to sleep until that one damn thought decides to disturb you. Echo never thought she'd get placed as the overall number 6 hero. Your main focus is to help students control their quirks and to teach those who are will hand on hand combat. Aizawa is a fool in love. || BNHA X Cat!Reader Shoto Todoroki has been dealing with his father's training for his whole life. The ringing is way too loud. He says. Aizawa yells. More coming out soon(: Enjoy! When Shouta Aizawa lets his best friend convince him to go to a strip club with him (despite his better judgment) he might just have met the love of his life. He really was a burden to everyone. The vigilante commonly Requests open! Centaurs live with the other members of their species and don't really communicate with other species (but it's not impossible they just have different lifestyles. Watching romance movies? "You decide to make a move on your Band Teacher. You blamed the cold for the roses that bloomed along your face. - Anonymous, Notes: Stop anon, my heart cant take all this love! Fear Induced [Shota Aizawa x Fem!Sixth-sensed!Reader], Slowly Made This Into Crack Never Meant To, Family isn't always blood (adopted by Erasermic), Because I am a Mother - BNHA x Single Mother! Im (y/n)! The way certain blondes eye lit up when he sang out his favorite song. The winds that blew against the durable sails urged your beauty of a ship forward, closer to the destination you were seeking. That his mother didn't care about him because he was nothing more than a useless deku? Letting curiosity get the better of her, she hides where they can't see her. Izuku Yagi is a name that strikes fear in the hearts of many pro he ON HOLD!!! Truth to tell, you don't know what to make of them, either. in a long while. Now she could be anywhere around the school!!" Search: Aizawa shouta x reader meeting the class.Trying to avoid any of the kids, but that is not as easy as it seems with this class He is also an alumnus . It made my ears hurt more." I hope youre feeling okay, and if you EVER need to talk to me you can always message me. After the passing of your parents and the horrible things you had to live, this only made your decision more certain. "If Im being completely honest, the only reason I joined the band was to see him. You still remember how the polyester felt upon your skin. Unfortunately, there's no Shota Aizawa, The father of Y/n Aizawa. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply", No Archive Warnings Apply, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, No Archive Warnings Apply, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (1114), | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (2480), Shingeki no Kyojin | Attack on Titan (36), | Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba (Anime) (17), Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic/Reader (328), | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Original Female Character(s), Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic/Original Female Character(s), Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic/Reader, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, League of Villains Shenanigans (My Hero Academia), I Wrote This While Listening to Alec Benjamin's Music, Honest to god most of these are written at 12am or later, Author inhales an unhealthy amount of copium, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead is a Good Teacher, Follows the plot of the anime so most of the characters will be included, Aizawa has to share the load of his problem children, Enemies for a little bit but become friends, Slow burn cause anticipation is the spice of life, Possible spoilers for those new to the fandom, Married Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Original Character(s), Toyomitsu Taishirou | Fat Gum & Original Character(s), Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Noizu Hibiki | Echo. Her quirk is bright and worth more than you can imagine. But for some reason he couldnt stay away from her. Weekly updates btw, im inconsistent asf tho-Hey the google forms is on chapter 20 if you wanna request something yahoo. The pro hero says, taking you out of your father's arms. MHA & Readers- Multi!AU- Spooky!AU Myth!AU Pirate!AU: Read Here! Hello can you do a scenario or hc for aizawa with prompt 4 look at me-just breath, okay?, where the reader is a very closed off introvert who is a teacher at UA as well and is known as the reserved teacher because she hides her emotions very well, but something sad in her life effects her personally, and Aizawa notices her off behavior and when he tries to comfort her she pushes him away, but somehow he breaks down her barriers. Your parents tried to arrange a marriage between you and Shouta Aizawa, Prince of Tartarus, when you were both children, only for the deal to fall through when he attempted to poison you. "Heh for such a(n) unholy hour you're very excited." You're the new teaching assistant at UA for class 1-A. This work isn't hosted on the Archive so this blurb might not be complete The way your breath made visible as little white puffs, or how the frost clung to the sides of the dorm building. You covered your ears and cried. Me on the other hand.well let's just say I'm quite the opposite. Why would any father agree to letting their daughter run around being a guinea pig for a bunch of teenagers? She was to play the world is torn between heroes and villains. Raspy voice, tall muscly body, and always exhausted appearance. Pairing: Commodore!aka Officer!Bakugou Katsuki x Pirate!Fem!Reader, Originally posted by afoxthatpretendstobeabear. Reads 145K Votes 3.4K Parts 20 Time 19m Start reading SueTheSimp Complete First published Oct 06, 2019 you a 4 year old had witness something you shouldnt have you wondered around then a hero took you in (not my characters) All Rights Reserved bnha dadazawa daddysgirl He asks monotonously. It was most likely a gut feeling." Time and again, the darkness catches up with you and makes you forget. "Ehh.can I have (insert favorite breakfast food here) please?" I want my daddy!" He says, his scarf and his hair going back to it's normal position. Looks like a decent quirk so Ill let you pass, this time. He looked down and there you were hugging his legs. Wild West & centaur world AUThis AU is a mix of centaur world series and the stallion of the Cimmaron movie.This story takes place in a wild west setting, but it's not about it.Most of the main characters are centaurs. A/n: Ok first of all, Welcome to my Mha x child reader book! She doesn't live in the safest neighborhood, but also not the worst. What else was there to do besides deal with it? he asked. #allmight Which was what planned to do, the longing glances and minimal conversations werent cutting it anymore. Moving and trying start over is a lot easier said than done. His shaky response was answered by a fist making contact with the wall right next to his head, leaving behind a small imprint. (lets see how many times i can write surprise before it gets annoying). Von der Welt verlassen, gezwungen sich um sich selbst zu kmmern, entscheidet sich Izuku Sachen noch seinen Bedingungen zu ndern, obwohl seine Methoden etwas illegal sind. Me on the other handwell let's just say I'm quite the opposite. [Name] [L/Name] is Quirkless, the lowest scum of society. Iida asks. Please consider turning it on! One last thing, a BIG thank you to @onyxiana-is-obsessed for creating the banner and the dividers! Work Search: (y/n) what did I saw about using your quirk on others, apologize.. "So who's your papa?" THE SEQUEL IS OUT!! you looked around, per usual you were alone. ALL TRIGGER WARNINGS IN TAGS! Also, please no shipping Aizawa with underage students, this is 18+, also, it is illegal for students and teachers to do sexual acts. "Ok. Ok. Um thank you guys, now go to lunch." Kiyomi Tamatsuki never planned to be a hero. For the end of the year, Present Mic and Midnight threw a Bnenkai (forget the year) party at one of the coolest, lowkey izakayas in Tokyo for the U.A. This is really long, sorry Its sad hours for me rn.. , ' , And a lot of people understood the importance of teaching the next generation of heroes, So your agency made sure to be as accommodating as they could be, When it came down to both teaching and pro hero work, It was still super stressful no matter how much you loved it, Plus it was really hard for you to say no sometimes, Being extremely introverted you hated confrontation, Almost to the point where youd do anything to avoid it, So when your agency asked if you could pick up some slack, Trying to balance all the curve balls life was throwing at you. Aizawa asks. You helped them set up and accidentally let it slip that youve been crushing on Aizawa. warnings: neglect, angst, falling out of love, slight anxiety, slight oboro/manga spoilers. He groans. So you took everything with as much grace you could muster, Hiding everything behind your always small smile, But you were a fool to think you could hide for long, You had only been dating Shouta for a little over a month, But it seemed he knew you like the back of his hand already, Where you were having trouble hiding your feelings when he confronted you, You had been in the teachers lounge alone, Nursing a headache and almost on the verge of tears when he walked in, You hid it with a smile and greeted him like usual, Your grin never faltered but he knew something was wrong, Well enough to know he should approach you carefully, Im fine, students are as great as always. (when I write in italics it means that Mic did that thing where he yells a word in the sentence.) "Look Shou, she's adorable~." Maybe it's too loud for her." While not every single writer here is a new blog, Id still would love for everyone to get some more appreciation for all the work they do here! While the boy's actions were heroic, he was just too reckless. This is my first MHA fic, so I hope it goes well. He'd lov (: @sosickofyourshxt ! Basta decir que Shouta, no era la mejor persona para emitir ese juicio, pero el chico era sin duda extrao. You went to every person, introducing yourself and giving them names all on your own. Full of love and passion. Es ist eigentlich einerlei, denn fr Izuku ist der Ausdruck Held flexibel. Iida asks you placing a hand on your shoulder. "Ok thank you." Hi! "I'm Uraraka." The classroom erupted in cooes at the child, who only shyly waved back, a little shaken by all the attention all at once. Really loud. You were looking through walls. You open your eyes and think. You nod your head. Ill put *NSFW* that way its clear to everyone! You say as you dig into the delicious food your dad made you. And if the lights were out, could you even bear to kiss her full on the mouth (or anywhere)? Please consider turning it on! "Prezent Mic." Some of them might want another minute to think about it. Bringing your crush up to Mina was probably not the best idea, not with the way she schemed. #toshinoriyagi Will all go well for you? One day, he sees the daughter of one of the hospital's governors, who is a patient in the nearby sanatorium. Have an awesome day guys. But not the kind of Hero her stupid father wants her to be. Once again guys, thanks so much for reading and supporting everyones work! A/N: Heres that masterlist for the MHA & READERS Discord Server Prompt!! Cue Izuku catching the attention of multiple heroes who are a little more open-minded and willing to see the potential in a quirkless kid. I don't own Bnha nor it's characters all of that goes to the creator of Bnha. tysm, Of course hun! Shota Aizawa x Fem!Reader Enjoy huns! A series of headcanons for your favorite MHA/BNHA boys and what they would do when you need the help to hide you from something. "Itedakimasu!" Your father nods and looks at you. Iida wasnt a touchy person, so the little things he did made an impact on you. "Uhm u-uncle Hizashi. You say kissing his cheek. Faculty (My Hero Academia), Nedzu Knows Everything (My Hero Academia), Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Fukukado Emi | Ms. Bringing you to meet these troubled children might cause you to go as crazy as they were, however, deep down Aizawa loved his class and knew they were very capable young heroes. WARNINGS You never would have imagined that thunder would be the second noise that clapped that night. "How wonderful, how strange to be loved by someone who hates all else" based off of a playlist I made. A New Job. This is just my Aizawa x reader one-shot book. Pathogen, a one of the top female heroes in Japan, is coming to Yuuei! ." Yet, after a run in with a wall and some accidental injury, here he was, having a sleepover in his vigilante clothes. If you havent read my little update, Im rewriting the series! "Heroes." "Could this be my quirk?" Warlocks are thought to be extinct so this comes as a surprise to Aizawa. He put you down and you knocked the door. One day during a terrorist attack on the city, chaos ran amuck for two days straight. The spray of the sea landed upon your face; licking your lips at the assault, you were pleased to find the bitter sting of salt because of it. Your father thought it was a good idea to wake you up at a very unholy hour. All Kiyomi wants to do is be left alone and let her continue her endeavors in peace.

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aizawa shouta x daughter reader angst