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manuscript under editorial consideration nature methods

Just after the Quality Department verifies the quality level and conformity with the requirements, you will be sent an email message or SMS. When you submit a manuscript to Nature Methods its content must not significantly overlap with any other papers from you or your co-authors' groups that are under consideration or in press at . Under these circumstances, further experiments or technical work are usually required to address some or all of the referees concerns, and revised papers are sent back to some or all of the referees for a second opinion. Now the tracking system shows the following: The corresponding (or other single designated) author is responsible on behalf of all co-authors for the accuracy of all content, including spelling of names and current affiliations of all co-authors, so please ensure these are checked carefully. I believe the first part of the discussion i.e. The cover letter is not shared with the referees, and should be used to provide confidential information such as conflicts of interest and to declare any related work that is in press or submitted elsewhere. Has the statistical analysis been performed appropriately and rigorously? The editor reads (yes, we read every paper that is submitted, and not just the abstract! ->Editor assigned->Manuscript under consideration. If not the authors should indicate there is no other studies identified that have used the same strategies as the current study. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________. Various levels of stakeholder involvement, such as consultation, collaboration or user-control has been proposed [24]. Aviation Consulting Companies, We also receive comments such as, Do you realize just how much power you have? Editors should be viewed not as obstacles to publication, but as partners with the research community, tasked with curating, improving, and disseminating important, interesting, and high-quality work. Cite 1 Recommendation Deleted profile Usually it means "with editor". The emphasis is on instruments and methods used for scientific research, but we will consider articles with. edit the language for maximum clarity and precision for those in other disciplines. A manuscript under editorial consideration indicates that the work has not been rejected out of hand, but is being given a second look. When submitting your revision, we need you to address these additional requirements. On submission, the manuscript is assigned to an editor covering the subject area, who seeks informal advice from scientific advisors and editorial colleagues, and who makes this initial decision. Thank you, What is the meaning of "decision in process" status? The manuscript is original and has not been previously published or it has not been sent for consideration elsewhere simultaneosly with the submission to this journal; The file is in Microsoft Word(R) The manuscript follow the guidelines/instructions for authors. Space in Nature is extremely limited, and so format requirements must be strictly observed, as advised by the editor handling the submission, and detailed in the manuscript formatting guide. Some researchers in a national survey from UK claimed that decisions about the appropriateness of consumer involvement in research should be made on a case-by-case basis [13]. In all cases, authors are expected to abide by the Nature Research press and embargo policies. All authors of the manuscript have read and agreed to its content and are accountable for all aspects of the accuracy and integrity of the manuscript in accordance with ICMJE criteria That the article is original, has not already been published in a journal, and is not currently under consideration by another journal. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Manuscripts should be submitted through our online submission system. Hello. The initial judgement is not a reflection on the technical validity of the work described, or on its importance to people in the same field. Here it should tell you if the articles are peer-reviewed. ISSN 1476-4687 (online) Internet Explorer). When the status of your manuscript changes to under review, this means that it has passed the initial editorial checks. A manuscript under editorial consideration indicates that the work has not been rejected out of hand, but is being given a second look. Our subeditors send authors the edited text for approval before it is typeset. We would like to acknowledge the Dhulikhel HospitalKathmandu University Hospital for their permission and cooperation to conduct this study. The paper is accepted for publication in principle once the authors have made some revisions in response to the referees comments. (Manuscript under submission->Manuscript received). In most cases, the decision is made in less than three months. 1753-1784) and George Moses Horton (ca. Authors should use the formatting guide section to ensure that the level, length and format (particularly the layout of figures and tables and any Supplementary Information) conforms with Nature's requirements, at submission and each revision stage. We will acknowledge receipt of your submitted manuscript by email. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ For manuscripts containing new code that is central to the paper, Authors of research articles that contain newly developed code that is central to the main claims in the paper will need to provide details of the code for peer review evaluation. Institutions who are the most active at promoting their training, see the best engagement rates from their researchers. PLOS requires an ORCID iD for the corresponding author in Editorial Manager on papers submitted after December 6th, 2016. Massillon Trick-or-treat 2022, The operating mode of Nature Publishing Group is to ensure the impact factor. [CDATA[> and JavaScript. We shed some light on how the Nature Methods editorial team evaluates papers submitted to the journal. An abstract published prior to a full report is not regarded as a duplicate publication. I think its important to mention the rationale for the constituents of study team in the methods section. ISSN 1548-7091 (print). What does it mean? Additionally, the literature review should be updated to reflect current gaps, as there are several existing articles to date that offer engagement implementation examples, which was stated as a gap and strength of current paper. -k. before being sent to te reviewers an editor usually has a quick look at your paper - to see if you meet all the criteria of the journal (e.g. For more information,please refer to our FAQ page. Special care is given to papers whose authors native language is not English, and special attention is given to summary paragraphs. All prospective authors should read and follow these policies: When you submit a manuscript to Nature Methods its content must not significantly overlap with any other papers from you or your co-authors groups that are under consideration or in press at other journals, with the exception of conference abstracts. If you submit a related manuscript to any other journals while the submission to Nature Communications is under consideration, you must send us a copy of the related manuscript and details of its. Submitted filename: PONE-D-21-05456_R2.pdf-JM-06.pdf. Herewith my comments. We do, however, support the posting of preprints; you can find out more here. This document provides an outline of the editorial process involved in publishing a scientific paper (Article) in Nature, and describes how manuscripts are handled by editors between submission . We will update your Data Availability statement on your behalf to reflect the information you provide. ku. //-->

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manuscript under editorial consideration nature methods