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walter reed middle school teachers

Read more about Mr. Derik's presentation here. Please join our Parent University K-5 Report Card information session on October 26that the link below: Por favor, nase a nuestra Universidad Parental para una sesin informativa sobre el informe de calificaciones de grados K-5 el 26 de octubre en el enlace abajo: With several books in hand, King Street School kindergartners found a comfortable seat around their classroom and engaged in independent reading. Email [email protected] with any questions, Pages due by JANUARY 6th, no late entries accepted. Please see the flyer for further information and contact your childs school with any questions or to register. Port Chester Schools incoming kindergartners enjoyed a frozen summer treat while meeting new friends and classmates during the annual Kindergarten Ice Cream Social on Sept. 1. Durante el ao escolar, los estudiantes, durante sus clases de educacin fsica, practican tres veces a la semana y tras finalizar las clases escolares, compiten diferentes tipos de deportes contra otros equipos. Learn more about this gap, why it exists, and how you Las presentaciones se llevarn a cabo el jueves 1 de diciembre, el viernes 2 de diciembre y el sbado 3 de diciembre a las 7 p.m. en el auditorio de la Escuela Intermedia de Port Chester. the california school directory and related public school and district data files (collectively referred to as the "directory"), contain information about california schools, districts, and school/district administrators that is voluntarily self-reported by local education agencies (leas) to the california department of education (cde) as a Thank you for your cooperation and understanding. This year, they are working on a new wildflower meadow to support biodiversity and have begun planning, plotting and researching the potential benefitsof a wildflower garden. de Ernesto Lecuona. Please be advised, members of the public may attend the December 17, 2022, Board of Education Meeting in person or view the livestream of the Meeting on the District Website at beginning at 7:00 p.m. A California middle school has had its funding cut because it doesn't enroll a high-enough percentage of non-white students. Las escuelas de Port Chester han reinventado el proceso de admisin a la universidad gracias a una colaboracin con SUNY Westchester Community College. fluorescent lights, black construction paper and neon oil pastels, Park Avenue Elementary School fifth graders created their own glow-in-the-dark art pieces. La administracin cree que lo mejor es despedir a los estudiantes inmediatamente para ventilar el edificio. As part of the STEM curriculum, the students will engage in hands-on activities that will be designed to solve real-world problems while using the engineering design process. If payment is not received by that date, a mandatory, non-waivable penalty of 2% will be added for the month of October and will increase monthly thereafter. After learning about the four main types of engineering careers, including chemical, civil, electrical and mechanical, the students used their researching skills to further explore a career they found most interesting and built a representation of it. The Port Chester High School Marching Band Association wishes to give a big shout out to the entire Port Chester/Rye Brook community for the overwhelming support given to the PCHS Marching Band for all of our fundraisers over the years. We continually work with outside consultants and our law enforcement partners on validating best practices, identifying improvement opportunities, training our staff, and maintaining strong emergency response procedures when necessary. King Street Elementary School students and staff held their annual commemorative Veterans Day ceremony in the gymnasium on Nov. 10. Este es un mensaje importante de las Escuelas Pblicas de Port Chester para las familias y el personal del distrito. This Academy was created for students whose lives have presented them with obstacles which have impeded their success. It was a huge success and something we hope to continue to host annually.. nase a nosotros esta semana virtualmente para aprender sobre el siguiente tema: The Port Chester High School Drama Club Presents CLUE on Stage.November 17,18,19 at 7:00 p.m.Tickets are now on sale. Desde pginas de Internet sobre sus pelculas predilectas hasta equipos deportivos y consejos sobre el cuidado de las mascotas, los estudiantes de la Escuela Secundaria de Port Chester han estado diseando sus propias pginas de Internet. Parents/Guardians of all children whose fifth birthdays occur on or before December 1, 2022, are invited to enroll their child using our new online registration system located on the District website in English or Spanish at Dear Port Chester High School Marching Band community, The Port Chester High School Marching Band Association wishes to give a big shout out to the entire Port Chester/Rye Brook community for the overwhelming support given to the PCHS Marching Band for all of our fundraisers over the years. Port Chester High School students Joseph Alvarez, Emely Cervantes and Kimberly Nicolas have their artworks on display in the virtual New York State Art Teachers Association exhibit. The meeting will be livestreamed, and can be viewed at Adems de Guzmn, cada uno de los lderes estudiantiles (Thomas D'Esperies, Sophia Ortiz-Heaney, Michelle Ramos-Aragon y Kathleen Scarola), as como todos los estudiantes escritores y fotgrafos, han sido parte integral de la exitosa resurreccin de The Port Light.Lo que ms me llama la atencin es cun informados y brillantes son nuestros estudiantes, dijo Thomas. Port Chester High School students performed at Radio City Music Hall on Nov. 20 when they opened for the Radio City Rockettes. Adems de Baurle y la Productora Steph Darrow, la produccin es posible gracias a varios estudiantes quienes han tomado los papeles de liderazgo, incluyendo al asistente director Toni Ash y las gerentes de escena Nexayda Marin, Ashly Olmeda y Sophia Tellez. As part of the multipart assignment, they will use the graphs to determine patterns in the weather and temperature that they see throughout the year. Haga clic en el enlace para la sesin a la que asistir: Parent University: ARC Support Contact Guide for Families. They also learned about the fire trucks and their engines and the tools that firefighters use. Es una sala de redaccin muy divertida de la que formar parte, y todos juegan un papel clave en el establecimiento de ese entorno.Thomas le dio crdito a la estudiante Shirley Guzman, quien se desempea como editora en jefe, por revivir el peridico con su visin, determinacin y liderazgo. Music therapy activities are designed to support developing language, fine motor skills, social skills, increase attention span and offer opportunities for creative self-expression.. It has been very collaborative in nature, and everyone involved knows they can share their ideas for the betterment of our production, Baurle said. En las prximas semanas, los estudiantes crearn sus propios portafolios con imgenes que representen el carcter y las cualidades del edificio de nuestra escuela. We push our staff and students to be open minded, positive, motivated and eager to learn so we can help them reach the highest level of success in physical education.. Recientemente, los estudiantes cosecharon zanahorias, pimientos, tomates, calabazas, calabacines, sandas y bayas. Como parte de la tarea del curso, utilizarn los grficos para determinar los patrones de tiempo y temperatura que observan a lo largo del ao. Throughout their studies, the fifth graders will experience how the Earth-spinning movement affects the appearance of sunrise and sunset. The students will work on articles and interviews covering a wide range of topics from school, sports and town news to opinion editorials and current and global events. Los estudiantes vieron un vdeo sobre el discurso de los derechos civiles que el Doctor Martin Luther King Junior realiz y escribieron respuestas relacionadas con la no violencia, el ser pacfico y tener sueos. Gracias. Durante la leccin, la maestra Savino trat y educ a los estudiantes sobre el uso y la forma apropiada de sostener y agarrar el arco del violn y les ense la forma adecuada sobre cmo colocar la mano. El entrenador Sheridan dijo: es una manera fantstica de proporcionarles a todos los estudiantes la oportunidad de competir en los deportes, El distrito escolar de Port Chester junto a la comunidad les ha brindado un enorme apoyo a todos los estudiantes deportistas que han participado durante todos los aos escolares. Explore the latest videos from hashtags: #middleschoolteachers, #middleschoolteacherswag, #teacherofmiddleschoolers . Tambin estamos planeando incluir un cmic (vieta) y una resea de un libro en nuestra prxima revista. Please make sure you fill out a lunch application for your family and return it to your childs school. Yo le el peridico en lnea y es verdaderamente extraordinario, y es algo ms de lo que necesitamos, dijo ella. To the left are a few pictures of Skittles and Snickers with some helpful messages about the upcoming year. We're a charity that makes it easy for anyone to help a classroom in need. Greeted by their teachers and administrators, they reunited with friends, met new teachers, organized their school supplies, learned about their schedules and engaged in different educational activities. Para concluir, los estudiantes que intervinieron en esta actividad, caminaron hacia la escuela secundaria del distrito escolar de Port Chester con el fin de reforzar el tema mensual que se esta tratando, el cual es Romper las Barreras. Los estudiantes de Port Chester High School Joseph Alvarez, Emely Cervantes y Kimberly Nicolas tienen sus obras de arte en exhibicin en la exhibicin virtual de la Asociacin de Maestros de Arte del Estado de Nueva York. Mantenerse en sintona mientras aumenta el volumen puede ser un desafo, por lo que usamos analogas como los bolos y el tiro al arco donde la delicadeza reemplaza a la fuerza. Learn more about this gap, why it exists, and how you We also hold an exchange program with a middle school near Madrid, Spain. The purpose of the project was for students to read and identify the causes and effects of these revolutions and then evaluate their success, Messina said. Los estudiantes de cuarto grado de la escuela primaria de John F. Kennedy mostraron su entusiasmo e inters tras recibir su primer violn durante la leccin de orquesta que ofreci la maestra Gabriella Savino. Good afternoon. El compromiso diario con los libros est diseado para fomentar el amor por la lectura. Dressed in their Halloween costumes, participants became actors for the evening when they joined the inauguralHalloween Heist Mystery Dinner fundraiser on Oct. 28. Luego, ellos hicieron sus tiras de papel en forma de un arco, un zigzag, una lnea en curva, un cuadrado y una montaa. Please refer to our web site: Making it known that we allow more of a variety of pieces, more people are submitting different works. Effective Wednesday, March 2, 2022, mask-wearing by students, faculty, and staff in all district buildings will be optional. They said their goal is to equip students with the necessary tools and knowledge to help them grow physically, mentally, emotionally and socially. 1 de febrero del 2023, de 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm. We have invited our community partners to set up information tables to give out information on resources that are available to Port Chester families. 22 de marzo de 2023 5:30 p.m. a 6:30 p.m. Caballeros de Coln (Knights of Columbus), RSVP antes del 1 de marzo al (914) 934. Aumento/mejora de la comunicacin/ser inclusivo: informes del superintendente, comits de la comunidad/distrito, boletn Ram Gram, uso de redes sociales, actualizaciones del sitio web, documentos de la Junta. El departamento de bomberos y Con Edison han despejado el edificio para abrir de manera segura y comenzar las clases hoy a las 10:10 a. m. Members of Port Chester High Schools newspaper, The Port Light, received the prestigious New York State Senate Empire Award for serving their community. The students are thrilled to bring their characters to life, she said. Tamucci dijo que sus estudiantes estaban motivados a aprender la codificacin avanzada para programar sus pginas de Internet de la forma ms parecida posible a la del diseo que haban imaginado. {"usesDonorsChoose":true,"infoPageType":"school","demographicsInfo":{"numStudents":1599,"numTeachers":62,"percentFrplEligible":52,"percentAsian":14,"percentBlack":4,"percentWhite":31,"percentIndigenous":0,"percentLatinx":44,"showFreeAndReducedPriceLunchInfo":true,"showDemographicsInfo":true,"sourceTooltipString":"the National Center for Education Statistics","gradesServed":"6 - 8","studentTeacherRatio":"25.8:1","demographicsDataSource":"MDR School","equityFocus":true},"inStateSupporters":92.8,"schoolId":7149,"callToActionDisplayName":"Walter Reed Middle School","financialInfo":null,"outOfStateSupporters":7.2,"twitterShareText":"Learn more about Walter Reed Middle School on @DonorsChoose:","hasFundedProjects":true,"canonicalPageUrl":"schools/california/los-angeles-unified-school-district/walter-reed-middle-school/7149","pageName":"schoolpage_7149"}, of students receive free or reduced price lunch, Source: the National Center for Education Statistics, of its student body are Black, Latino, Native Aumento de los resultados/oportunidades para los estudiantes: asociacin con SUNY Westchester y colegios/universidades locales, La Academia de Promesa del Director, el crear una cultura de mejora continua y enseanza y liderazgo basados en informacin de datos, el aumento de las oportunidades de aprendizaje por la maana/tarde, el aumento de la tasa de graduacin; considerar caminos no tradicionales , apoyo para STEAM (CTIAM) y las artes, construir una cultura de inclusin/excelencia inclusiva. de Ernesto Lecuona. Trujillo, a fourth grader, created his The Jungle with oil pastel after drawing inspiration from jungle paintings by Henry Rousseau. Below is a linked joint communication from NYS Department of Health and NYS Education Department about respiratory viruses and good hygiene. The production is really coming together, and we all know that they will have a wonderful experience in the theater this December.. The musicians got the crowd cheering, he said. Tambin hablaron de los distintos tipos de tiempo y examinaron las nubes para determinar las condiciones meteorolgicas que les esperaba. Support Mrs. JOHN's classroom with a gift that fosters learning. Durante una leccin reciente, Ferraro ley en voz alta My Best Friend de Mary Ann Rodman, que es un libro sobre amistades, para brindarles a sus alumnos un ejemplo de narrativa. Para sus afiches, se desafi a los estudiantes a identificar la idea central y el propsito del discurso y citar citas para respaldar sus afirmaciones. "El proyecto de la pgina de Internet se compuso para que los estudiantes disearan una pgina que promoviera las cosas que ellos valoran". Our high poverty school is comprised of students from various ethnic backgrounds. Todos los discursos que eleg hablaban de superar la adversidad y trabajar duro para tener xito, dijo Lpez. "Midieron la altura de una vara de medir con su sombra. Esto es algo que es oscuro, pero tambin cmico, y ahora en el mundo necesitamos algo que nos haga rer y escapar por un momento, dijo ella. I am so grateful for the partnership with the Port Chester School District community. Los miembros del grupo de a cappella de la Escuela Superior de Port Chester- El Sonido de Port Chester- se presentaron en el sptimo Festival de A Cappella de Jvenes en la Escuela Superior de Mamaroneck el 6 de noviembre. The Community Schools Coordinators are planning parent workshops and would love to hear from you! Kindergartners at John F. Kennedy Elementary School, who have been learning about different tools to make art, used their knowledge to draw a school bus in teacher Chrystal Chambers class. Starting next month, we'll charge your card and send her a DonorsChoose gift card on the 17th of every month. Madison Middle School. Tickets can be bought online at or at the door. Este tipo de obra de teatro interactiva que se realiz entre los participantes sirvi para recolectar fondos para la Sociedad Thespian y la Sociedad de Honor Tri-M Music y al mismo tiempo, para ayudar con los gastos relacionados con las representaciones teatrales, musicales y artsticas de la escuela secundaria. As we prepare to usher in the New Year, it is a good time to reflect on 2022. Students at Walter Reed Middle are 43% Hispanic, 33% White, 13% Asian, 5% Two or more races, 5% African American. They were also encouragedto create their own rocket ship or UFO. Durante las prximas semanas, los alumnos de cuarto grado explorarn los efectos de un desastre natural, como un huracn, y crearn materiales porttiles para el aula que funcionan con bateras. A partir del mircoles 2 de marzo del 2022, el uso de mascarillas por parte de los estudiantes, profesores y personal en todos los edificios del distrito ser opcional. This program allows them a second chance to meet their graduation requirements. Details of student/teacher ratio, student ethnicity, and subsidized lunch for Walter Reed Middle School in North Hollywood, California . . Esta cuenta est enviando correos electrnicos solicitando dinero y tarjetas de regalo. Los estudiantes de la Escuela Primaria John F. Kennedy, Daniel Aguilar, Yuri Guaman y Carlos Trujillo, exhiben sus obras de arte en la exhibicin virtual de la Asociacin de Maestros de Arte del Estado de Nueva York.Aguilar, un estudiante de tercer grado, cre su pieza "Steaming Hot Chocolate" usando pastel al leo, papel y pintura tempura como parte de una tarea de clase que se inspir en la artista popular Heather Galler. Join us virtually to learn about the following topics: Middle School/High School Families (6-12): Ofreceremos la Universidad Parental: Talleres de tecnologa para familias. Port Chester High School students donated nonperishable food items to the Don Bosco Community Center, a local organization that helps feed community members who may be experiencing food insecurity. La Banda de Marcha de La Escuela Superior de Port Chester gan el segundo lugar en Los Campeonatos Nacionales USBands Clase 5A, que se llev a cabo en el Estadio J. Birney Crum en Allentown, Pennsylvania, el 5 de noviembre bajo el liderazgo del director de banda Michael Miceli, la banda compuesta de 152 miembros anot un punteo de 91.6. Making learning real and applicable helps students understand concepts and see the value of mathematics. Trabajamos continuamente con consultores externos y nuestros socios encargados de hacer cumplir la ley para validar las mejores prcticas, identificar oportunidades de mejora, capacitar a nuestro personal y mantener slidos procedimientos de respuesta a emergencias cuando sea necesario. Your promo code has been successfully applied and will be reflected in checkout. All students in the group were prepared to give their all, and their blending of sounds was beautiful.. art supplies. Los estudiantes apreciaron la experiencia que tuvieron con la orquesta a travs de su pasin y devocin por la msica y mostraron mucho entusiasmo para enriquecer sus conocimientos musicales durante el ao escolar. Guanoquiza, a fifth grader, created her Pretty Primary Cake using tempura paint, watercolor pencils and oil pastel on watercolor paper. "El autobs escolar es un objeto fcilde dibujar usando este mtodo," dijo Chambers. This unified celebration of school and community is proud to present this tribute. The following measures were taken to address and correct this situation: 1) the storm line was vacuumed, 2) the 20 storm line was cleaned with a high-pressure jet cleaning tool, and 3) the total length of the mouth of the brook was closely monitored with a camera to ensure the storm line is free of any obstructions or foreign materials. Tambin realizaron el espectculo final, Youve Got a Friend in Me-(Tienes un/a amigo/a en m) de Randy Newman. He is member of Mu Alpha and the English, National and Tri-M Music honor societies, and was selected to participate in the prestigious Hoff-Barthelson Music School Honors Program. Each station was designed to enhance the students skillset and provide enjoyment as they work with a group of peers. Lo ms importante de lo que hablamos es cmo los hace sentir cuando lo entregan en mano y cmo creemos que se siente el destinatario, dijo. Bajo la direccin de la directora de teatro Julie Dor y la directora musical Rosemarie Veltri, el espectculo cuenta con un talentoso grupo de 23 estudiantes en el elenco y 15 en el equipo. The activity was part of a lesson with music therapist. Patrocinado por los Acordes de Westchester, las presentaciones incluyeron grupos de escuelas superiores a capella del Condado de Westchester. DONT MISS THE MEMORIES!The yearbooks are almost sold out at Port Chester Middle School. Adems, los estudiantes han estado participando en una variedad de actividades educativas, que incluyen actividades artsticas y aprender salsa y cumbia, para honrar la herencia hispana. El violinista y estudiante de ltimo ao de Port Chester High School, Benjamin Reyes, toco con el conjunto de orquesta estatal del rea de la Asociacin de Msica Escolar del Estado de Nueva York en su concierto del festival 2022 el 5 de noviembre en White Plains High School. Los proyectos de los estudiantes mostraron la amplia gama de materiales y objetos que crean los ingenieros y cunto aprendieron de su investigacin. Fue conmovedor ver la conexin que nuestros veteranos tienen con nuestra comunidad y permitirnos honrarlos por su servicio, dijo el subdirector Anthony Carolini. Segn el Centro para el Control y la Prevencin de Enfermedades (CDC), "los niveles comunitarios pueden ser bajos, medios o altos y se determinan al observar las camas de hospital que se usan, las admisiones al hospital y la cantidad total de nuevos casos de COVID-19 en el rea." This is a decision that must be treated with mutual respect by all. I also hope they got an understanding of how that success was limited in that they didnt change some fundamental problems that still continue to do this day, like racial and social inequality.. The activity was part of a lesson with music therapistDr. Tina Brescia from the Music Conservatory of Westchester. Its a better way of practicing math problems than sitting at their desks doing independent practice because it forces them to stand up and walk around, Raskin said. Check out our website for upcoming Band performance dates and fundraisers at, News & Announcements - Port Chester Middle School, Free/Reduced Price Meals / Comidas Gratis/Precios Reducidos, Accessing Social-Emotional and Mental Health Supports, Sp Accessing Social-Emotional and Mental Health Supports.pdf, New Instructions to Home Access Center in eSchoolPLUS.pdf, New Instrucciones al Centro de acceso desde el hogar en eSchoolPLUS.pdf, IMPORTANT INFORMATION | INFORMACIN IMPORTAN, STAR Renaissance Information for Parents |, Informacin de STAR Renaissance para padres. Por otra parte, otro grupo de estudiantes se dedicaron a resolver problemas matemticos usando la propiedad conmutativa y aprendieron a redondear al nmero 10 (dcima) ms cercano usando nmeros de dos o tres dgitos. Mientras nos preparamos para marcar el comienzo del Ao Nuevo, es un buen momento para reflexionar sobre el 2022. The link for the registration can be found here: The Port Chester High School Marching Band won second place in the USBands Class 5A National Championships, held at J. Birney Crum Stadium in Allentown, Pennsylvania, on Nov. 5. Theorientation will take place on Tuesday, February 28 from 6:00 p.m.8:00 p.m. in the High SchoolAuditorium. Collectively build a new culture: increase think tank time, leadership team meetings, build relationships, establish practices for reflection and midyear checkpoints, establish consistency and shared expectations through collaboration, remove barriers for students/whole child approach mobile food pantry and community partnerships, restorative practices/SEL and academic rigor. No te lo pierdas. Whether it is a website, animation or mini video game, I want students imagining and creating and pushing themselves to represent the vision they have for their projects.. The day began with a virtual morning announcement led by two fourth graders, who were dressed in garb representing Mexico. La herramienta de la CDC indica que el condado de Westchester actualmente se considera un rea de nivel BAJO. Les deseo unas fiestas seguras y saludables! Estas medidas incluyen lavarse las manos a menudo con jabn y agua caliente durante al menos 20 segundos y estornudar o toser contra el codo. Marine One, carrying U.S. President Joe Biden and First Lady Jill Biden, approaches to land at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland on January 11, 2023. They will also rehearse winter music, as well as parade tunes, such as the National Emblem byEdwin Eugene Bagley. Watching the meeting: To watch a Board of Education Meeting live-streamed you must visit the districts website to gain access the PCSTV channel. These measures include washing your hands often with soap and hot water for at least 20 seconds and sneezing or coughing into your elbow. Jill Biden, flew from the White House on Wednesday to Walter Reed for a minor surgical procedure to remove a skin lesion. The Williamsville Central School District does not exercise any editorial control over the information you may find at these locations and is not responsible for any facts or opinions contained on these web sites, or the accessibility of the material posted. Studio Art Teacher Jeff Tascio has been working with his seventh- and eighth-grade classes on a life-sized project that has been a journey of engineering, critical thinking and creativity. The student population of Walter Reed Middle is 1,599 and the school serves 6-8. They mingled, completed their tasks and tried to figure out who committed the crime. Our hearts remain with the families of Texas. Tambin funciona bien porque las respuestas estn en la pared. Seussical Jr. is a favorite of mine because there are many roles that allow students to shine in multiple ways as singers, actors and dancers, Dor said. Los alumnos de cuarto grado de la escuela primaria Thomas Edison, que haban estado investigando diferentes carreras de ingeniera, utilizaron Legos y Play-Doh para construir helicpteros, trenes, robots, edificios y cargadores de telfonos como una forma de demostrar su conocimiento.

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walter reed middle school teachers